Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Year New Me

Every beginning of the year people make their own resolution this is their basis to attain someone or things. For me, there’s no need for that.

People change. I believe in that saying because starting in this year I will change. Not change in personality but change the bad things in to good one. Bad things like what I’ve done I’ll correct it. I’ll study harder, avoiding going to the computer shop, stopping myself from cutting classes. In this year, I will not just depend in to others I will now show what I can do.

In this year, there are lots that I want to do and lots I want to achieve. By believing myself and having perseverance so that I can reach my entire goal in life.


Millions of people worldwide celebrate Christmas for various reasons. Some enjoy festive times with friends and family. Others think about God or devote time to helping the poor or needy. By themselves, these are undoubtedly worthy deeds. However, they are clouded by the dark side of this holiday.

But we Jehovah’s witnesses don’t celebrate Christmas I’ll give three reasons why. First, Jesus commanded that we commemorate his death, not his birth. Second, there is no proof that Jesus was born on December 25; his birth date is not recorded in the Bible. Finally, we believe that Christmas is not approved by God because it is rooted in pagan customs and rites.

Monday, January 12, 2015

climate change

Climate change a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century on wards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.
Is the earth headed for a point of no return? Some scientists feel that the effect of changes can be difficult to predict. Because of this, they are concerned that we might be approaching “tipping points” where sudden and unanticipated climate changes could bring disastrous results.
Consider, for example, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Some believe that with sustained global warming, there is a point where the melt of this ice sheet could be irreversible. This is because ice cover naturally reflects the sun’s rays. But as the ice sheet thins and shrinks, the ocean below, which is less reflective, is eventually exposed. The dark ocean surface absorbs more heat, which in turn leads to greater melting. A self-feeding, runaway cycle could be created. The resulting rise in sea levels from the melt water could spell disaster for hundreds of millions of people.So let’s be mature and save the earth starting today.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

national reading month celebration

National Reading Month Celebration
            Reading? I love reading! Especially romantic books. Some people that also love reading used it as their habits. But for me reading books have been just a pleasure, not a habit.
            So many books to read, different languages, different authors and different kinds of books. This month is a national reading month celebration I’ll record the books that I’ve read. So I will try to read books as I can. Not just a romantic books, but also the other kind of books.

            There are some benefits of reading books just like in enhance are vocabulary, spelling and pronouncing. So why don’t try to read if you have plenty of time.

equal rights equal opportuniutes

                        Equal Rights Equal Opportunities
             In the past, they say that men are superior to the women. Because men are stronger than women and they are more helpful in society.                                                                                       
          But now a day, women are fighting for equality. They struggle for equal rights for thousands of years women had been denied of their rights and always been considered as a second class society. As a result they achieved their equal rights. And now there is gender awareness. Women now are changing the fact that they are weaker than men. They proving that they can do also what man can do.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


In this world every individual has the ability to learn and a person has the right to learn new things.

            As time passes, more challenges will come. Now that second grading period has ended, I hope that ma’am would grade me higher. I learned new things with ma'am, and I expect to learn new things again as the third and fourth grading comes. As the remaining grading comes I expect that it is tougher than the previous grading periods. And it is really challenging not because of hard subject, but because being pressured in Special Math Class. We must be competitive, but enjoying it because it is an unforgettable experience.

Monday, November 10, 2014


                Every September School Intramurals were held. It helps students to improve their abilities and learned how to play fairly, cooperation or teamwork and also sportsmanship.
            Last September 18 the ISNHS conducted the Intramurals. This year guest was Hon. Ramil Arce the newly elected PTA president he became the speaker and guest of honor. He tells to the athletes that learned sportsmanship and accept the fact that you lose, if you lose.

            The schedule of the School Intramurals was not follow the supposed schedule was September 18 for the opening program and start of all games. September 19 for the continuation of the Intramurals and for the championship games. But due to typhoon Mario the Intramurals was rescheduled the supposed schedule for the championship games became September 25. And at last the Intramurals was over and I congratulate the winners in every events nice play!